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Naming Ceremony

A beautiful way to celebrate the birth of a new baby, or to welcome adopted, or step children into the family

In the past, most people had their children christened, but parents today, are often looking for something different to a church service. 

Choosing a celebrant to create a ceremony, gives you the perfect opportunity to celebrate a new addition to the family, at any age. 

It gives the parent, or parents an opportunity to create a promise to love and care for their child, in front of family and friends.

They are also the perfect opportunity to appoint and name your child’s godparents.

Unlike a Christening, at a Naming Ceremony there are no restrictions and no prerequisites that your godparents need to fulfil (such as showing that they have been christened). That means you can choose anyone who holds a meaningful place in both yours and your child’s life, you can involve them as much or as little as you wish in the ceremony and you can get creative with their ‘official’ title.

What do we call godparents at a naming ceremony? There are no rules to say you can’t use the term Godparent as it’s so recognisable, but there are also many alternatives; and we are now seeing a vibrant range of names used for Godparents.

Some alternative names for Godparents include: Guardian, Guide parent, odd-parent, spare parent... the list goes on and its what resonates with you that counts. 

As an independent celebrant, I will work with you to create a perfectly unique ceremony that includes specially chosen words and promises and can involve all of those close to the child or children – parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, guardians and friends, to create a unique and beautiful ceremony for this happy and memorable event.

We can include family traditions from times gone by, or look to create new ones that will last for generations to come. 

My ceremony menu page shows some of the elements that can be included in your ceremony.

Get in touch to discuss ways to make your child's naming ceremony a beautifully unique occasion. 

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